Saturday, August 25, 2012

Naval Happenings 150 Years Ago: August 24 to August 26th, 1862: It's Admiral Buchanan to You


USS Isaac N. Seymour ran aground aground and sank in the Neuse River, NC.

USS Henry Andrew wrecked after grounding in a storm 15 miles south of Cape Henry, Va.  Blockading duty could be risky as these last two show.

USS Stars and Stripes (how's that for the name of a Union ship?) captured British ship Mary Elizabeth, attempting to run the blockade into Wilmington with a cargo of salt and fruit.


Log entry of USS Benton for the day shows how busy the ships on western waters were: "At 7 [am] sent a boat ashore, which destroyed seven skiffs and one batteau.  At 11:40 came to at Bolivar Landing [Mississippi].  At 11:45 General Woods landing troops; opened fire upon the enemy.  We opened fire with out bow and starboard guns in protecting the landing of the troops...fired a number of shots in the direction of the rebel force."


Captain Franklin Buchanan promoted to admiral in the Confederate Navy " for gallant and meritorious conduct in attacking the enemy's fleet in Hampton Roads and destroying the frigate Congress, sloop of war Cumberland.

Old B-Runner

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