Friday, October 25, 2019

Just In Time for Halloween: Cape Fear Unearthed, the Ghost of Gen. Whiting

From the Oct. 24, 2019, Wilmington(N.C.) Star-News  "Cape Fear Unearthed:  The Ghost of the general" by Hunter Ingram.

Major William H.C. Whiting is the latest subject , who was wounded at Fort Fisher and later died in a Union prison, of the latest episode of the Cape Fear Unearthed podcast.

His legacy is forever tied up with the rise and fall of North Carolina's Fort Fisher, famed protector of the port of Wilmington and a haven for blockade runners during the war.  Whiting was a headstrong soldier who seemed to have as many enemies as friends during the war.  One notable enemy was Jefferson Davis.

He graduated first in his West Point class and became an engineer of note, both in the Charleston defenses and later those of Wilmington, including Fort Fisher.

Wounded and captured at Fort Fisher when it fell, he recovered from the wound but died of another disease while a prisoner in New York.  This was hundreds of miles from Fort Fisher but even death did not stop him from returning to Fort Fisher to be its eternal watcher.

It has been reported that the ghost of Gen. Whiting still walks the grounds of Fort Fisher.  This week's Cape Fear Uncovered's podcast is about the apparition.

Like, Boo!!!  --OldB-ScaredOrGoHome

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