Tuesday, June 9, 2015

CSS Ajax Arrives in Liverpool

JUNE 9TH, 1865:  The CSS Ajax, Lt. Low, arrived at Liverpool, England, from Bermuda.  The Ajax had been detained at Bermuda by the British government after Low had made an unsuccessful attempt to arm his ship under the guise of taking a shipment of guns to Havana.

The vessel was released after news had reached Bermuda that the American war had ended with the surrender oft the Confederacy.

Upon his arrival in Liverpool, Low turned his ship over to local port authorities  The former lieutenant on the CSS Alabama chose to remain in England rather than return to his homeland.  He established his residence in Liverpool where he subsequently became a prosperous shipping and cotton mill executive.

Years later, he was presented with the Alabama's pennant by a Frenchman who had witnessed the ship's battle with the USS Kearsarge from a yacht and had salvaged her pennant.

Today, the pennant, seventy-five feet in length and bearing twenty-seven white stars on a blue field, with a red and white tail, is in the possession of John Low's grandson.

--Old B-R'er

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