Monday, February 24, 2014

The Hunley Sinks the Housatonic-- Part 3: Repercussuions

FEBRUARY 17TH, 1864: The loss of the Housatonic caused great consternation in the Union fleet blockading Charleston, SC. All wooden ships henceforth were ordered to keep up steam and move out to sea every night. The number of picket boats was doubled and number of sailors in each boat increased.

Unfortunately, Lt. Dixon and his daring associates perished with the Hunley after the attack. The exact cause has never been determined, despite the fact the Hunley was found and is now undergoing conservation.

Confederate engineer James H. Tomb later observed: "She was very slow in turning, but would sink at a moment's notice and at times without it." The submarine "was a veritable coffin to this brave officer and his men."

The Age of the Submarine As An Effective Weapon Had Arrived, But Not Furthered Until World War I. --Old B-Runner

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