Thursday, April 7, 2022

Will the Real Arnold Harris Stand Up-- Part 2: Quite the Mystery Guy

I sure would like to fill in a lot of blanks about Arnold Harris' life.  I have not been able to find out anything else beyond what I wrote yesterday and today.  So, hopefully, someone will have other sources of information.  What I have found so far is definitely interesting.

Here is the rest of the information.

In a report dated June 23, 1864, he was in command of the Army gunboat Chamberlain and delivered a message to Acting Volunteer Lt. Amos P. Foster of the USS Commodore Perry with a message from  Benjamin Butler ordering Foster to open fire in Fort Clifton on the Appomattox River near Petersburg.  The next day, June 17, he came aboard again and ordered a renewed bombardment of the fort.  The ship's second shot from its 100-pounder Parrot gun caused it to blow up, killing and wounding many.

On January 13, 1865, he was detached from special duty with the Army and ordered to report to Admiral Porter.  (Porter would have been off Fort Fisher which he bombarded that day.)

February 9, 1865, Major General E.O.C. Ord requested Arnold Harris remain with the Army transports   under Gen.  Charles K. Graham because Harris was "of great use here -- familiar with the waters, and is now operating in conjunction with the Navy."

I sure would like to piece together Arnold Harris' story.

Give a Hand. Please.  --Old B-Wondering

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