Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Recovery of Monitor's Turret-- Part 4: Conservation Continues

In 2003, NOAA divers and volunteers returned to the Monitor with the goal of obtaining overall video of  the site to create a permanent record of the current conditions of the wreck after the turret recovery.  

Jeff Johnston of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS) also wanted a definitive image of the vessel's pilot house. During the dives, the Monitor's iron pilothouse was located near the bow of the vessel and documented for the first time by videographer Rick Allen, of Nautilus Productions, in its inverted  position.

Conservation of the propeller was completed nearly three years after its recovery, and it is in display in the Monitor Center  at the Mariners' Museum.  As of 2013,  conservation of the engine, its components, the turret and the guns continues.

The two Dahlgren cannons were removed from the turret in September 2004 and placed in their own conservation tanks.

--Old B-Runner

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