Sunday, April 18, 2021

Not Likely the CSS Georgia-- Part 3: Back to the American Revolution?

If tied to the HMS Rose, these discoveries  would be quite historical.  The Rose was built in England in 1757 and prowled American colony waters  in the 1770s in an effort to put a stop to widespread smuggling in Rhode Island.  The ship also operated in the Hudson River by New York City in the early days of the American Revolution.  

By 1779, with Savannah still under British control, British forces scuttled the Rose in the Savannah River  to keep the French fleet from sailing up it to aid American forces attempting to capture the city.

For now, the recovered objects are being kept in large vats  of water to replicate the conditions they were in for all those years.  Experts and further exploration in the area s where the objects were found will hopefully clarify the objects.  Meanwhile, dredging operations around where the objects were found has been suspended.

Of course, in an area like the Savannah River and the city which has been in use for over 250 years, there is no telling what else might turn up.

--Old B-Runner

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