Monday, June 22, 2020

ESPN Man's Ancestors Captured at Fort Fisher

From the June 10, 2020, ESPN  by Ryan McGee.

In a very hateful column about the Confederate flag and NASCAR, he had some interesting stuff to say nonetheless.

In the process of defending his anti-flag stance, he related some of his family's history.  And, of course, as soon as I saw the words Fort Fisher, well, he had my interest.

His family owned slaves and two of his ancestors were captured defending Fort Fisher on January 15, 1865.  His great-great-great grandfather and uncle were sent to  the Elmira Prison Camp, aka "Hell-Mira." in New York.

They were fortunate enough to survive and when the war ended walked 600 miles home to Rockingham, North Carolina.

His family still owns the former plantation house where his ancestors had slaves.

--Old B-Runner

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