Monday, February 22, 2016

North Carolina's Fort Macon-- Part 1

From the February 16, 2016, Coastak review Online "Our Coast:  Fort Macon and Elliott Coues" by Jared Lloyd.

On April 23, 1862, Fort Macon surrendered to Major General Ambrose Burnside after a less-than 24-hour battle, then began a months-long ordeal trying to get the Confederate troops there to vacate the premises.  (I am unaware of the problems getting them to leave and have done a little more research and found no mention of them not leaving.)

Fort Macon guarded Beaufort Inlet which led to the Beaufort, North Carolina's only deep water port.

Four hundred Confederates surrendered and it was in Union hands for the rest of the war  Beaufort became the major coaling and provisioning base for the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron for the war's duration.

Sixty years later, the fort and surrounding land became one of North Carolina's first state parks.

--Old B-Runner

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