Saturday, November 14, 2015

"Last Flag Down" The CSS Shenandoah Surrenders-- Part 2

The flag that the Shenandoah lowered on Nov. 6, 1865 was the so-called "Stainless Banner," the Second National flag which had a mostly white field with the battle flag in the upper left corner.

The Confederate flag, of course, is very divisive in the United States these days.

The Americans were going to recreate the event of the flag lowering on the docks but found they would not be allowed to do so.

However, a roll of honor will be read and greetings from the Waddell and Jefferson Davis families will be read.

Liverpool was quite involved in the war.  An American flag still flies over 10 Rumford Place, which is where James Dunwood Bulloch, banker of the Confederacy, was headquartered. He bought several Locally-built Liverpool ships for his country.

--Old B-R'er

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