Monday, April 20, 2015

President Davis Arrives At Abbeville, South Carolina--Part 1

MAY 2ND, 1865:  President Davis, accompanied by most of his cabinet and other ranking officials of the Confederacy, entered Abbeville, South Carolina, escorted by the remnants of four brigades of cavalry commanded by Brigadier General Basil Duke.

The President's cavalry train was met there by Lt. W.H. Parker, commanding the 150 man naval escort which had safely transported and guarded the Confederate archives and treasury during the thirty day journey from Richmond.  Parker transferred his cargo to Acting Secretary of the Treasury John Reagan and was instructed by him to deliver it to General Duke.

Upon completing the transfer, Parker disbanded his command; but with a lingering optimism for the Confederacy's future, he ordered each Midshipman:  "You are hereby detached from the naval school, and leave is granted you to visit your home.  You will report by letter to the Hon. Secretary of the Navy as soon as practicable."

Later in the day. Parker conferred with the President and advised him that his chances for escape would greatly be enhanced if he would abandon his large cavalry escort and leave "now with a few followers and cross the Mississippi, as you express a desire to do eventually, and there again raise the standard."

What's Left of the Confederate Government On the Run.  --Old B-R'er

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