Saturday, April 18, 2015

Confederate Archives and Treasury Arrive at Augusta, Georgia

APRIL 17-19TH, 1865:  Lt. W,H. Parker, commanding the naval escort entrusted with the Confederate archives and treasury, and President Davis' wife, successfully evaded Federal patrols enroute southward from Charlotte and arrived at Washington, Georgia, on the 17th.

Parker, still without orders as to the disposition of his precious trust and unable to learn of the whereabouts of President Davis and his party (including Secretary Mallory), decided to push on through to Augusta, Georgia, where he hoped to find ranking civilian and military officials.

The escort commander recorded:  "We left the ladies behind at the tavern in Washington for we expected now a fight at any time."  the escort again, however, managed to elude Federal patrols and arrived without incident at Augusta where Parker placed his entrusted cargo in bank vaults and posted a guard on the building.

Having learned upon arrival that armistice negotiations between Generals Sherman and Johnston were in progress, Parker decided to remain in the city and await the outcome of the conference.

--Old B-Runner

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