Monday, May 13, 2013

CSS Georgia, Confederate Cruiser-- Part 2

Continued from April 30th.

The Cruiser CSS Georgia crossed the Atlantic Ocean to Brazil and Trinidad, then back to Africa, arriving August 16, 1863.

By October 28th, the ship was in Cherbourg, France, and had captured nine ships.  Repairs were ordered.  In January 1864, it was decided to transfer the Georgia's guns to the CSS Rappahannock, but this never happened.

On May 2, 1864, it was taken to Liverpool and sold to a merchant.  On August 11th, the ship put out to sea and was captured by the USS Niagara off Portugal.  It was then taken to Boston and sold as a prize and became the merchant ship SS Georgia.  It was sold to Canada in 1870 and sank off the Maine coast in 1875 after running aground.

The Story of a Ship.  --Old B-Runner

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