Tuesday, May 14, 2024

James B. Hopkins, CSN and the Capture and Destruction of Union Mail Boat Fawn

I wrote about the Confederate Navy service of James B. Hopkins in the last post.

From the "Civil War on the Outer Banks" by Fred M. Mallison.

James Hopkins was stationed on the CSS Albemarle, commanded by John Newland Maffitt, in 1864.  Maffitt organized a party of his crew under the command of Pilot James B. Hopkins to capture or destroy the federal mail boat that regularly traveled the  the Dismal Swamp Canal.

Hopkins' venture was successful.

On the night of September 9 they captured the mailboat Fawn, her crew, passengers, and cargo and burned the vessel.

Hopkins withdrew with twenty-nine prisoners, including a colonel and two majors.

--Old B-Runner

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