Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Capture of the Slaver Nightingale-- Part 3

The Captain (FRANCIS BOWEN), the Spanish  supercargo and the cabin servants made their escape from the vessel the night previous to her sailing from Kabenda.  A portion of the crew having previously escaped in the boats, those that did not escape were transferred to the Saratoga, and shipped for the service.

When the N. [Nightingale] sailed the following American vessels were known to be in the Congo:  The Arcleus,  Alepina, Falmouth, Fairy and Martha Post -- the latter vessel  being under bonds not to engage in the Slave-trade.  (Very likely these ships might have been involved in the slave trade.)

The  brig John Hell, and the ship Brutus, (whaler), had succeeded in getting away.  All these are Northern vessels.

The Saratoga, having  but 8 days'  provisions got under weigh., with the N. bound to Loando, all the squadron being at that place, waiting the arrival of a store-ship, which had mot arrived  up to the last accounts.

Their store-house was almost exhausted, and the store-keeper confined in jail for caning a Portuguese, who had insulted him.

--Old B-R'er

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