Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Lincoln's City Point Trip 1864-- Part 12: 'Burden of the War Upon His Shoulders'

Still writing about President Lincoln's meeting General Butler's troops at Bermuda Hundred during his trip to City Point, Virginia, to meet with General Grant.

Many of Butler's troops were the ones involved in the attacks on Fort Fisher, so that makes them of particular interest to me.

Some other observations of the President from the ranks:

**  "A tall gaunt sad man, he seemed to have the burden of the war upon his shoulders, as he stopped to speak to some of us, where we sat, shaking but trying to write home and tell the folks, once again, we are safe."

**  "...a very ordinary looking personage... he is a man  that cannot be judged by his looks."

**  Another soldier wrote that he an his companions "greeted the immortal President with enthusiastic cheers."

--Old B-Runner

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