Friday, September 11, 2020

Remembering the Events of September 11, 2001

 I was with a friend who installing a battery in my '85 Firebird today which is why all these posts about 9-11 are coming in this late.  Now, you wouldn't think installing a battery was a problem, but not my battery.  This was the battery from hell.

What Dennis believed to be a five-ten minute effort, ended up as a two and a half hour lesson in futility.  He worked and worked, but to no avail.  Those bolts and nuts just would not budge.  We finally ended up going to O'Reilly's to get a battery that was designed for am '85 Firebird.  

Dennis and his brother Al and Vince are undertaking an effort to make that Firebird presentable.

I remember September 11, 2001, as being just three days before my mother's birthday which always remind me to send her a present.

I was teaching one of my 7th grade classes at John T. Magee Middle School in Round Lake, Illinois, when another teacher told me what had happened.  This was all we did in every one of my classes after that.  I knew that this was going to be one of those Pearl Harbor, JFK assassination events that people will be remembering for many years afterwards.

I wanted to make sure my students got the full experience.

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