Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May 7, 1864: Capture and Destruction of the USS Shawsheen

MAY 7TH, 1864:  The USS Shawsheen, Acting Ensign Charles Ringot, was disabled, captured and destroyed by Confederates on the James River, Virginia.  The Shawsheen, a 180-ton side-wheel steamer, had been ordered to drag the river for torpedoes above Chaffin's Bluff, and had anchored near the shore shortly before noon so that the crew could eat, when Confederate infantry and artillery surprised the boat.

Lieutenant Colonel W.M. Elliott, CSA, reported that the Shawsheen was completely disabled and "though reluctantly, she nevertheless hauled down her colors and displayed the white flag in token of surrender.

"A boat was dispatched to enforce the delivery of prisoners on board, the enemy's boats being made available to bring them off.  The officer was also instructed to fire the vessel, which was effectively done, the fire quickly reaching the magazine, exploding it, consigning all to the wind and waves."

--Old B-R'er

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