Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Admiral Franklin Buchanan, CSN-- Part 1

From The Star Democrat "Newspeak vs. The 'Talbot Boys' by Philip Carey Foster.

Recounting Marylanders fighting for the Confederacy.

Franklin Buchanan joined the U.S. Navy shortly after the War of 1812 and served as a midshipman on a ship commanded by Commodore Perry.  He volunteered for service in the Mexican War and participated in the capture of Vera Cruz.  Later he served as second in command for Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan and is believed to be the first American officer ever to set foot on Japanese soil.

He became persuaded that the Navy needed a school like the Army had at West Point to properly train officers which led to the establishment of the Naval Academy.   As such, he served as its first superintendent, overseeing the development of both its academic and military aspects.

Maryland was ambivalent about which side it was on at the outbreak of the Civil War, but he resigned after the Baltimore Massacre, but soon afterward tried to recall it.

--Old B-R'er

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