Saturday, August 15, 2015

CSS Shenandoah on Way to England

AUGUST 15-31ST, 1965:  The CSS Shenandoah stood steadily for the empty South Atlantic.  Up to the time of deciding to steer for England, Lieutenant Waddell wrote, the successful raider "had made more than 40,000 miles without an accident.  I felt sure a search would be made for her in the North Pacific and that to run the ship south was important to all concerned.

"Some of the people expressed a desire that I should take the Shenandoah to Australia or New Zealand or any near port rather than attempt to reach Europe.

"There seemed however to me no other course to pursue but the one I had decided upon, and I considered it due to the integrity of all to reject anything and everything like flinching under the severe trial imposed upon us.

"It was my duty as a man and a commanding officer to be careful of the honor as well as the welfare of the one hundred and thirty-two men placed in my hands."

Going Home, Well, To England.  --Old B-Runner

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