Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The End of the CSS Stonewall: The South's Very Last Best Hope

MAY 11-19TH, 1865:  The escape of the Confederate ram CSS Stonewall from Ferrol, Spain, and Lisbon, Portugal had created a lot of excitement and Union consternation at the time, but had not led to a battle.  The ironclad put into Havana on May 11th, after having not come across a Union ship in its voyage.

Upon learning of the Stonewall's arrival, Rear Admiral Cornelius K. Stribling, commanding the East Gulf Blockading Squadron, dispatched a squadron, led by the USS Powhatan and commanded by Commander Reed Werden, to cruise to Havana and engage the Confederate ram when she departed.

However, Captain T.J. Page, the Stonewall's commander, learning of the collapse of the Confederacy, delivered the ship over to the Governor General of Cuba and in turn received $16,000 -- the amount of money Page required to pay off his officers and crew.

Subsequently the ship was turned over to the United States and was ultimately sold to Japan.

--Old B-R'er

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