Monday, December 15, 2014

Lincoln Lauds William B. Cushing

DECEMBER 15TH, 1864:  President Lincoln wrote in a message to Congress: "I most cordially recommend that Lieutenant William B. Cushing, U.S. Navy, receive a vote of thanks from Congress for his important, gallant, and perilous achievement in destroying the rebel ironclad steamer Albemarle on the night of the 27th October, 1864, at Plymouth, N.C.

"The destruction of so formidable a vessel, which had resisted the continued attacks of a number of our vessels on former occasions, is an important event touching our future naval and military operations, and would reflect honor on any officer, and redounds to the credit  of this young officer and the few brave comrades who assisted in this successful and daring undertaking."

Now, if the President had at the same time recommended a Medal of Honor for Lt. Cushing, it would not be necessary to have to work for his receiving one now. especially in light of one of the men with him receiving one.

Give Cushing a Medal of Honor.  --Old B-R'er

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