Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Lincoln's Trip to City Point to Visit Grant-- Part 6: Doffing Caps to the 'Boss Undertaker'

According to reporters, Lincoln "was greeted pleasantly by the Lieutenant General who shook hands with him, and the several gentlemen of the staff happening to be present, who merely, but decorously, saluted the President by raising their caps."

One of those staff present was Lt. Col. Horace Porter, who wrote his wife that Lincoln was "dressed all in black, and looking very much like like a boss undertaker."

He described part of the conversation between Grant and Lincoln thusly:  Lincoln:  "I just thought I would jump aboard a boat and come down to see you.  I don't expect I can do any good, and in fact I'm afraid I may do harm, but I'll put myself under your orders and if you find me doing anything wrong just send me away.

To which, Grant responded that "he would certainly do that."

--Old B-Runner

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