Sunday, November 29, 2020

Lincoln's 1864 Trip to City Point-- Part 8: Visiting the USS Onondaga and Within Range of a Rebel Battery

It is probable that there was a delay at this point while the Deep Bottom pontoon bridge was opened to permit river traffic.  

Once aboard the president's vessel, the USS Baltimore, Admiral Lee came on board and was greeted by Lincoln and Butler.  Then, the Baltimore, followed by the Agawam, steamed upriver toward Trent's Reach.  Fox noted that the men on ships they passed cheered the president.

Just before reaching the Malvern, the Baltimore drew up alongside one of the more technologically-advance monitors in the Union fleet, the double-turreted, iron-hulled USS Onondaga.

Lincoln made a brief visit to this ship (as he was always interested in anything dealing with new and improved technology).  The ship's deck officer recorded  that the president "visited" the vessel.

Then it was back to the USS Baltimore and on to the Malvern where they arrived about 10:30 am.  This put the Lincoln party well within range of a powerful Rebel battery not two miles distant.  Assistant Secretary of the Navy Fox wondered why "they did not open fire."

Probably Didn't Know the President Was Aboard.  --Old B-Runner

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