Sunday, June 14, 2020

CSS Owl-- Part 4: Cruising in the Owl

The Owl was in Bermuda with a cargo of cotton October 24-29, as the U.S. consul duly reported.  On December 5, Mallory instructed Maffitt to pick up the crew of his former ship, the CSS Florida, in Bermuda.

After this, there seems to be some confusion in the article as to when things happened chronologically, so I will just write what it says until I can do some more research on it.

A letter to Mallory from Maffitt that was captured along with Assistant Paymaster Talley, CSN, by the USS Forest Rose on May 7, 1865, bears an endorsement from the Union ship's commander, Lieutenant A.N. Gould, USN:  "It shows that Maffitt has been landing on the Florida coast with the Owl.

U.S. Consul William Thomas Minor at Havana, Cuba, reported on May 20 that Maffitt was to leave there in a day or two for Galveston, Texas.

--Old B-Runner

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