Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Naval Expedition on the Rappahannock River in Virginia

MARCH 16-18TH, 1865:  A naval expedition, led by Lt.Cmdr. Thomas H. Eastman, consisting of the USS don, Stepping Stones, heliotrope and Resolute, proceeded up the Rappahannock River and its tributary Mattox Creek, to the vicinity of Montrose, Virginia,, where it destroyed a supply base that had been supporting Confederate guerrillas on the peninsula between the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers.

Eastman led a landing party of 70 Marines and sailors up the right fork of Mattox Creek where he found and destroyed four boats.  The landing party, led by Acting Ensign William H, Summers, that cleared the left fork encountered heavy musket fire but successfully destroyed three schooners.

Houses in the vicinity were also searched and contraband destroyed.  Acting Ensign John J. Brice, who,led the 40-man search party, "found himself opposed by about 50 cavalry  he formed his men to receive their attack.  While doing this, 8 or 10 cavalry came down on his left flank, which he drove off.  The main portion, on seeing this, retired to the woods."

--Old B-R'er

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