Tuesday, September 2, 2014

USS Naiad

From Wikipedia.

The USS Naiad Tinclad #53, was launched in 1863 and bought by the Navy at Cinconnati,  3 March 1863 and commissioned 3 April 1863.  It was 158 feet long, had a 30.4 foot beam, stern steam wheel, mounting eight 24-pdrs.

The Naiad operated along the Mississippi River and its tributaries and often engaged Confederate shore batteries which were prone to popping up at various points to disrupt Union communications and supplies.

On June 15-16, 1864, the Naiad and other Union vessels engaged Confederate batteries at Ratliff's Landing, Louisiana, and today, 150 years ago, a battery at Rowe's Landing, Louisiana.

Constant patrolling by the Naiad and her sister tinclads and other small Union ships did a lot toward keeping Union supply and communication lines open.

The Naiad was decommissioned and sold into civilian service as the princess at Cairo, Illinois, on 30 June 1865.  It his a snag and sank in 1868 near Napoleon, Missouri.

Old B-Runner


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