Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Still Confederate Warships in Mobile Bay

SEPTEMBER 15TH, 1864:  Though the Union Navy dominated Mobile Bay by now, the Confederacy still possessed several warships at Mobile itself.  Farragut informed Welles that the CSS Nashville, an ironclad which, he said, had been waiting for her plating for at least 12 months was now ready for service.

He said that it mounted "six of their heaviest rifles and has heavier backing and greater speed than the Tennessee."

Referring to the Battle of Mobile Bay the month before, Farragut added: "If she had gotten out fully equipped, the rebels would have made a stronger fight on that 5th day of August...."

The Mobile defenses also counted on the ironclads CSS Tuscaloosa and CSS Huntsville, "covered with 4 inches of iron, but I understand, very unmanageable", and three gunboats.  "I have them guarded by the two ironclads, the Winnebago and Chickasaw, and four of our gunboats."

Not Over at Mobile.  --Old B-Runner

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