Saturday, July 7, 2012

Naval Happenings 150 Years Ago: July 11th to 14th ,1862-- No More Grog!!

Heading out of town for awhile and I don't want to bring that really big Civil War Naval Chronology book with me so will proceed ahead a bit.


President Lincoln appreciated the role of the Navy recommended Congress pass a vote of thanks for Captains Lardner, Davis and Stringham and to Commanders Dahlgren, D.D. Porter and Rowan.

Congress passed an act for the relief of relatives of the officers and men who died on the USS Cumberland and Congress when the CSS Virginia attacked them four months earlier.


Commodore Davis of the James River Flotilla reports his ships covering transports and flanks of the Union Army.  He also wanted some Congreve rockets to drive Confederate sharpshooters out of the woods.  The Congreve rockets were the "rockets red glare" in the Star-Spangled Banner and still in use.


Congress passed an act abolishing the spirit ration in the Navy.  From now on, the only spirits allowed on ships were for medicinal purposes.  However, to make up for it (obviously an unpopular move with the men) everyone entitled to it would receive an extra five cents per day pay.

Old B-Runner

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