Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Confederates at New York's Greenwood Cemetery: Gilbert Elliott, the CSS Albemarle's Builder

From the May 22, 2011, New York Times.

Seventy-five former Confederates are buried at Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, including the first general killed in the war, Robert Selden Garnett, killed in 1861.

Another one is Gilbert Elliott, a shipbuilder and 1st Lt. from North Carolina. At age 19, he was in charge of Confederates building the 152-foot-long ironclad CSS Albemarle, the ship that caused so much consternation in the North until sunk by William Cushing in a daring expedition.

Elliott spent his final years around New York City and associated with former enemies.

Said Jeffrey Richman, Greenwood's historian, "They were going to dinners with the Union guys, hoist a few for old times' sake. They'd go to reunions together-they weren't hostile to each other."

The South in The North. --Old B-Runner

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