Tuesday, April 9, 2019

April 9, 1864: Confederate Torpedo Boat Squib Attacks the USS Minnesota-- Part 1

APRIL 9TH, 1864:    Confederate torpedo boat Squib, Lieutenant Hunter Davidson, , successfully exploded a spar torpedo against large steam frigate USS Minnesota, Lieutenant Commander John H. Upshur, off Newport News, Virginia.

The Squib was described by Acting Master John A. Curtis, second in command of the torpedo boat, as being constructed of wood, "about thirty-five feet long, five feet wide, drew three feet of water, two feet freeboard; designed by Hunter Davidson....  The boiler and engine were encased with iron; forward of the boiler was the cockpit, where the crew stood and from where we steered her."

The attack, described by a Northern naval officer observer as "a deed as daring as it was vicious", took place about two o'clock in the morning.  The officer of the deck saw a small 150 to 200 yards off, just forward of the port beam.

To his hail, the Confederate answered "Roanoke."  Acting Ensign James  Birtswistle ordered her to stay clear.  Davidson answered "aye, aye!"    Although Birtswistle could discern no visible means of propulsion, the small Confederate boat continued to close the Minnesota rapidly.

And, Then....  --Old B-Runner

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