Thursday, May 5, 2016

North Carolina's Underwater Archaeology Unit-- Part 2: Blockade-Runner Agnes E. Fry

The North Carolina Underwater Archaeology Unit maintains extensive files on over 4,000 historically documented shipwrecks, as well as a wide variety of water-related subjects such as bridge and ferry crossings, historic ports, plantation landings, riverine and coastal trade, harbor development and improvements to navigation.

Historical research can be used to define a search area where a specific shipwreck should be located or to identify a site that has been located by other means.  This is evident in the recent location of the blockade-runner believed to be the Agnes E. Fry off Oak island, near the mouth of Wilmington's Cape Fear River.)

Over the past three decades, researchers have documented more than 700 underwater archaeological sites in North Carolina that include prehistoric dugout canoes, colonial sailing vessels, beached shipwreck remains, dozens of Civil War shipwrecks,and 19th and 20th century steamboats.

--Old B-R'er

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