Saturday, April 12, 2014

150 Years Ago: :Red River Campaign-- Union Declines Invitation

april 10, 1864: Porter's gunboats and Army transports are proceeding toward Shreveport, but are delayed at Springfield Landing, Louisiana, by what Porter described to Sherman as: "When I arrived at Springfield Landing I found a sight that made me laugh. It was the smartest thing I ever knew the rebels to do. // They had gotten that huge steamer, New Falls City, across the Red River, 1 mile above Loggy Bayou, 15 feet of her on shore on each side, the boat broken down in the middle, and a sand bar making below her. // An invitation in large letters to attend a ball in Shreveport was kindly left stuck up by the rebels, which invitation we were never able to accept." //// Before the obstruction could be removed, word arrived that Gen. Banks had been defeated at the Battle of Sabine Cross-Roads near Grand Ecore and he had retreated toward Pleasant Hill. //// Gen. Smith was ordered to return with his troops and join Banks. //// This was the high tide of the Unuion's Red River Campaign. //// With falling water and increased attacks from Confederate troops onshore, it was only with great difficulty that Porter was able to get his ships out of the dire straits they found themselves in. //// --One For the Confeds. --Old B-Runner

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