Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Working on the USS Monitor Back in 2011

From the July 19, 2011, Virginian Pilot "USS Monitor's tank drained for public display" by Teresa Annas.  The first two entries on this were made on September 3, 2011, in my Saw the Elephant Civil War blog, before I branched off with one just on the Navies in the war.

Projects are constantly underway to conserve various Monitor items.  This summer, the 120 ton turret can be examined by the public after it is drained.  This will be from  July to August on week days.

A seven member conservation team will be inside the upside down turret removing most of the final layers of sediment and concretion.  Their last-day in the turret will be August 31st. After that, the turret will be filled with water again.

In the months after it was raised, a few hundred objects were excavating, including a rubber comb, silverware and rubber boots.

On July 8th, during the current work, three items were dislodged.  What is called the whatz-it might be a knob.  Another worker found an officer's button with eagle and anchor.

It's a Monitor Thing.  --Old B-Runner

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