Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Naval Happenings 150 Years Ago: June 19th to June 1862


Commander maury, CSN, reported to Sectretary of the Navy Mallory about placement of mines near Chaffin's Bluff on the James River.  Electric torpedoes (mines)  made of boiler plate encased in water-tight wooden casks and fired by galvanic batteries placed by the first minelayer, the CSS Teaser.


 Commander Semmes, CSN,  wrote Mallory that getting the CSS Alabama out of British waters was going to be a tricky deal due to the vigilence of US envoy Charles Adams.  It would be necessary to leave unarmed and rendezvous somewhere to receive armament.


USS Mount Vernon, Mystic and Victoria chase blockade-runner Emily attempting to run into Wilmington and caused it to ground.  Boarded it and destroyed the ship while under heavy fire from Fort Caswell.


USS Cambridge, under Commander W.A. Parker, chases the blockade-runner Modern Greece ashore off Fort Fisher and ship subsequently destroyed with cargo of gunpowder, rifled cannons and other arms.

Old B-Runner

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