From the Little River Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center.
Until recently, a burned out hulk of a house towered over a grassy slope near the harbor in Little River. It was the Randall-Vereen House, one of the oldest in Horry County.
The house was one of three built by Captain Thomas Randall of New England, who came to Little River after the War of 1812. For a time, Little River was called "Yankee Town" by the rest of the county, because a few people from New England had come to live there.
The village became a prosperous port in the 1850s, shipping fine lumber and naval stores to Northern markets. It had a saw mill, waterhouse, stores, school and bank. Several churches were organized and b people built nice homes.
The Civil War, however, wiped out this progress. A large salt works produced much needed salt for the Confederate Army until it was burned by Union forces. Shipping and fishing was at a standstill with the coastal blockade.
--Old B-Runner