As archaeologists examined the contents of the turret after it had been landed on the Wotan, they discovered a second skeleton, but removing it did not begin until the turret arrived at the Mariners' Museum for conservation. The remains of the two sailors were transferred to the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Agency (JPAA) at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, in hopes that they could be identified.
Only sixteen members of the Monitor's crew that were not rescued by the USS Rhode Island and forensic anthropologists at the JPAA were able to rule out the three missing black crewmen based on the shape of the femurs and skulls. Among the most promising of the remaining 13 were crew members Jacob Nicklis, Robert Williams and William Bryan.
But, a decade passed and no definite confirmation could be made. On March 8, 2013, their remains were buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.
--Old B-Runner